

I should resist
another glass of wine
cease and desist
though I feel so fine

One more glass
wouldn't be so terrible
this time would pass
and be more bearable

Why should I abstain
from this Chardonnay cocoon
wine entertains
even though it's only noon...


Lush Lust

Lush Lust

the lust of this lush
that first drink rush

to be held
with a drinkers grip
inhibitions expelled

cocktails give no lip
puppy love, a crush
eternal courtship

my wants make me blush
many faceted
the lust of this lush


Mischief--Inspired by Tequila

these moonbeams
make that vacant
swimming pool
look so inviting

my dress is so
e a s y
to take off and I am
so warm, really

a skinny little dip
would be so fat
and juicy

once in,
the water is my new dress
it fits so well

he swims toward me and
we giggle like

my discarded
red dress
watches us rejected and


3 Lanturnes

I don't
have any
good chardonnay

that's left
is some old
wine I bought on

cheap and
last ditch but
it is all I

I've never heard of this poetic form before. It's called "lanturne" or "lantern" because it kind of looks like a Japanese lantern. It is a five line poem with a syllabic pattern of one, two, three, four, one. Has anyone else ever heard of a lanturne? I couldn't find anything about this particular form's origin.


Books, Poetry and Wine

A few days ago, my book club met to discuss Lush Life by Richard Price. I loved the book and we had a great discussion for about 20 minutes and then somehow we started drinking wine and, well, you know how those things go.

I demanded a retake, obviously. Doesn't Kevin know that I like to be front and center?

That's better, don't you think? Anyway, now for today's poem, "D:"

dissolved decorum
d e l i c i o u s
I daresay
a diminutive dab
will do you
dysfunction dwindles
with each drink
distress disappears
dull is dismissed
Darling, let's discover
this delightful
definite and distilled


Poem Scribbled on a Cocktail Napkin

after one too many
beefeater rocks
I can think only
of drunk skunks
on a Saturday night

while ordering Jack
with a beer back
I wonder how
a skunk
could be drunk

Right now, I'm
curious and I ask
myself if skunks
only drink
on the weekends

and what
does a skunk
drink on a
Saturday night?

these questions
melt into
like ice
in my glass

Saadia Reads 'Shopping'


Basil Hayden Bourbon

bourbon undiluted
disorder recruited
gravity refuted
virtue polluted

tedium persecuted
ennui executed
necessity substituted
indulgence saluted

these times voluted
obligation muted
each drink computed
my essence diluted

*Darling Basilwire and Snz couldn't make it to my book event at The Book Cellar in Chicago, so they sent a bottle of Basil Hayden bourbon instead. Though I would have loved to have met them, the bourbon is almost too good to be true.

I've used sonic repetition in this poem. Sonic repetition is basically sounds repeated in a poem or another piece of writing. Many poets feel that sonic repetition is best left for performative poetry.


Johnnie Walker Blue Label

top shelf recall
mind opening
a door left ajar
only to reveal
a collection
of curiosities

two fingers of
should be
as easy as
savoring the taste
of this brilliant whisky



After the shots, I wrote this poem:


he offers

princess cut diamonds

with first class fixes

chinchilla guarantees

my weight in gold

protected in an offshore account

all for one real smile

and I still think

that he asks

too much

of me


Krug Observations

the drinking glass
tuxedoed men
look like a line
of dominoes
waiting for a push

old ladies
with little girl voices
cookie cutter princesses
well preserved
dressed for battle
armed with artifice

this boozy, blurry realm
where little
white lies
seem to be
the new black