
Whiskey Senyrus #4

another single
without pleases or thank yous
just pour the liquor

this amber drink is
imperative. My mind is
looking for comfort

whiskey peace is like
nothing i have ever known
just sip and you'll see

motherfucker, please,
your advice is exhausting
let me drink alone

*You may think that this poem is an example of a haiku, but it is actually a senyrus. "Senyrus" loosely translates as a 'comic haiku.' Whereas haiku are usually about nature and its physical aspects, senyru (plural: senyrus) is still a form of Japanese poetry that uses the syllabic 5-7-5 as a format--but without the haiku requirement of being thought provoking imagery. Dig? Mmmmkay.


Mega said...

A whiskey of amber color eh?

This could mean several possibilities.

Unknown said...

Is this poem any indication of how well your STL trip went?