Expect lavish lines/luscious lies in bookstores later this summer.
I want to thank each and every one of my readers. This book would have never been possible without your encouragement and feedback. I love you all!!! XOXOXOXOXO!!!!
"What a lovely drink this is, it makes one want to be a poet..." ~Raki
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I have been tagged by Andrew the Asshole. The rules of this particular tag are: * Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. * People who are tagged need to write posts in their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. *
1. I can not resist a man with nice teeth
2. Chardonnay is my beverage of choice
3. I have a book of poetry coming out this summer
4. I'm getting my masters degree in education
5. My 3 year old likes to listen to Ludacris (and I let him)
6. I really don't like to leave my house
7. I am a voracious reader. I read several books at the same time.
8. I subscribe to Playboy Magazine.
Have a great day, Everyone!!!
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Champagne pops
an explosion
bubbles non-stop
righteous erosion
This sparkling wine
loosens my locks
melts my spine
stops my clock
Other men shake his hand
as I'm poured another flute
the Dom has taken command
it's been a fevered pursuit
Lucky man, I think
as I unravel, unwind
inhibitions shrink
our night...defined
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sing to the tune of 'Home on the Range'
Give me a poem
And the freedom to roam
Plus a bottle of good Chardonnay
Whatever you've heard
When I'm tipsy and slurred
Is because of some fine Chardonnay
No, no I'll never change
I so enjoy these white wine days
Whatever you've heard
When I'm tipsy and slurred
Is because of some fine Chardonnay
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