

Je parle pour pécher
tous les jours
Il s'assied à ma table
pendant que je coupe les légumes
pour le dîner
Il boit mon vinet
mange ma nourriture
qu'Il est à l'aise dans ma maison
j'apprécie sa compagnie



I talk to sin
every day
He sits at my table
while I chop vegetables for dinner
He drinks my wine
and eats my food
He is comfortable in my house
I enjoy his company


dc_speaks said...

je parle francais, aussi!

je l'aime!


Lance said...

Hou là dave, ce qu'une vie merveilleuse ! !

must be nice!

meanwhile as i open a can of beenie-weenies...lol

CapCity said...

Well, I don't understand nor speak French, but I understand the language of Sin & Gawd knows Sin speaks TO me! Thanx, Ms. GirlyGirl for letting me know that I'm not alone;-)!

dc_speaks said...


Rich Fitzgerald said...

That was hot. Shame to say, I took French three years and don't know jack. I guess it was on the teacher, because I made good grades.